

Help Beautify our City by Adopting a Tree!

The City of Evart has received a grant from the Muskegon River Watershed Assembly (MRWA) that will provide 235 native trees to the City.   The grant provides the trees, mulch, stakes and tie downs at no cost to the City.  The City is responsible for choosing the tree sites and getting them into the ground.  Homeowners that receive a tree agree to water them for at least two years or until established.

Trees not only beautify the City, they increase property values and protect the watershed by filtering the ground water before it enters Twin Creek or the Muskegon River.

Thirty-one trees were planted by volunteers from Evart and MRWA in Riverside West in September of 2020.  In June of 2021, Lume Cannabis offered to provide a large group of volunteers and the effort really took off.  Sixty-three trees were planted that month in Riverside West and on residential properties throughout  the City.  In September of 2021, Lume, Evart and MRWA volunteers went out twice and planted eighty-sixty trees.  These trees were planted in Riverside West, the City wellfield on 5th Street, and at private residences throughout town.  A number of these trees were planted in the vicinity of Second and N. Main, the area that lost so many trees in the storm on September 7, 2021.   To date, we've planted swamp oak, bur oak, pin oak, sugar maple, red maple, clump redbuds, dogwood, hackberry, black gum, river birch, juneberry, hop hornbeam, aspen and American beech.  

Fifty-eight trees are still available and will beplanted in the spring of 2022.  Our hope is to replace more of the trees lost in the windstorm on September 7, 2021.  If you live within the City limits and would like to discuss adopting a tree, please contact the City Clerk at 231-250-1432 or by email: