
What To Do if You Are Sick

If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, please seek medical attention.  The following are recommendations only, based on the CDC's recommendationsand should not be construed as strict guidelines. Any specific questions you have should be directed to your medical provider.

If you believe you have COVID-19, or have been confirmed, consider the following suggestions from the CDC.  Also, Check out the CDC's Tips for COVID-19 Self Care

Doctor iconStay Home Except for Necessary Medical Care

  • Do not leave your home except for medical care
  • Stay in touch with your doctor, and call before heading to the office/hospital
  • Do not visit public areas
  • Avoid public transportation and ride-sharing

iconfinder_stay_home_coronovirus_5964549Practice Home Isolation
  • Do not leave your home except for medical care
  • Stay in touch with your doctor, and call before heading to the office/hospital
  • Do not visit public areas
  • Avoid public transportation and ride-sharing

iconfinder_facial_mask_coronavirus_5964544Wear a Mask
  • Where a cloth face covering or mask over your nose and mouth if you will be around other people
  • Review the CDC's guidelines for masks here: How to Wear a Cloth Face Covering

iconfinder___cough_tissue_close_mouth_5925234Cover your Mouth and Nose
  • Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough
  • Throw the used tissue immediately into a lined trash container
  • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water is not available

iconfinder___wash_hand_soap_5925226Wash your Hands
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
  • Only use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available; use sanitizer with at least 600% alcohol 
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands

iconfinder___coronavirus_corona_virus_genome_5925231Avoid Sharing Items
  • Do not share dishes, cups, towels, bedding, or other items with other people in your home
  • Wash any item you use thoroughly with soap and water or use a dishwasher

iconfinder_coronovirus_quarantine_virus_protect_5932584Clean High Touch Areas
  • Clean any surface in your isolation area regularly as you are able
  • Let a caregiver or other person clean and disinfect other areas in your home
  • High touch areas include phones, counters, tabletops, doorknobs, fixtures, toilets, keyboards, and electronic devices
  • Clean areas with soap and water, then with a household disinfectant using the instructions on the label to ensure  safe and effective use of the product
  • Click here for a list of effective disinfectants 

iconfinder_coronovirus_embulance_medical_care_5932587Seek Medical Attention
  • Common symptoms include fever and cough
  • If you experience warning signs worse than the common symptoms, seek medical attention
  • Warning signs include, but are not limited to, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, trouble breathing, new confusion, blue lips or face
  • Stay in touch with your doctor, and call before heading to the office/hospital
  • Call 911 if you have a medical emergency and notify the operation you might have or have been confirmed as having COVID-19

iconfinder_keep_distance_social_1_5964546Stop Home Isolation
  • Follow the guidelines of your medical provider
  • The CDC recommends you can leave your house after you have had no fever for at least 72 hours or 3 full days AND your other symptoms have abated AND there have been at least seven days since the first appearance of your symptoms 
  • The decision to stop home isolation should be made in consultation with your medical provider 
  • Continue to practice social distancing
  • More information is available here.